Saturday 17 March 2018

nios tma solved 10th and 12th coll and whatsapp 9540241443


1) 
and B=i – j
, are two vectors in x – y plane. Find the magnitude of the sum of
these two vectors.

2) Three particles each of mass 5 g are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side
60 cm. Find: (See Lesson- 7)
(i) Distance of its centre of mass from any of its vertex
(ii) Moment of inertia of the system of particles about an axis passing through the centre of
mass of the system and perpendicular to the plane containing them

3) An astronomical object has its mass 4 times the mass of earth and radius half of the radius of
earth. If acceleration due to gravity at earth is g, find its value at the surface of the astronomical

4) A person with external body temperature 35°C is present in a room at temperature 25°C.
Assuming the emissivity of the body of the person to be 0.5 and surface area of the body of the
person as 2.0 m2, calculate the radiant power of the person

5) A closed vessel having capacity 200 mL is filled with hydrogen gas at STP. Calculate
(See Lesson- 10)
(i) Number of moles of hydrogen gas filled in the vessel.
(ii) Pressure of hydrogen gas in the vessel at 273°C.
(iii) Root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas at STP.
(iv) The value of Cp and Cv for hydrogen gas.

6) Take a hollow plastic ball (dia 3 cm to 5 cm). Using a needle pass a thread of about 105 cm
along a diameter of the ball. Tie a knot at one end. Hang the ball from a rigid support so that the
ball is free to oscillate. Make a small hole (5 mm dia) in the ball near the top. Fill it with sand
and find its time period of oscillation. Empty the ball and fill it with steel balls/iron filings and
repeat the experiment. Similarly carry out the experiment with common salt. Compare the time
periods obtained in the above three cases. What do


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