Saturday 17 March 2018

Solved assignment and practical and guide book available now

(313) solved coll=9540241443

1) Although B (Boron) is smaller in size as compared to Be (Berellium) but the first ionisation
enthalpy of Be (Berellium) is higher than B (Boron). (See Lesson-3)

2) Fe3O4, MnO2, CrO2, MnCl2, CuFe2O4, CrBr3 (ikB&6 ns[ksa)
Classify the following into Ferromagnetic, Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic
Fe3O4, MnO2, CrO2, MnCl2, CuFe2O4, CrBr3 (See Lesson-6)

3) Oxide ores cannot be reduced by carbon. Why? (Seee Lesson-16)

4) Give two examples of products obtained on hydrolysis of disaccharides and polysaccharides.
(See Lesson-29)

5) (i) Define standard enthalpy of formation. Write a chemical equation for the formation of

6) Visit nearby place collect the water from different sources such as river, well, handpump etc.
and noted down difference in water quality
(i) Which one is more polluted water?
(ii) How industrialization is responsible for water pollution?
(iii) Name the water pollutant.
(iv) What is BOD?
(v) How does excess fluoride ion affect us?
(vi) Why is the chlorination of water done before drinking?

coll now =9540241443

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