Saturday 17 March 2018

nios assignment help coll-9540241443

     Tutor Marked Assignments ans coll-9540241443
     Senior Secondary Course
Max. Marks : 20
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory. The marks alloted for each question are given at
same place.
(ii) Write your name, enrollment number, AI name and subject on the top of the first
page of the answer sheet.
1. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words. 2
(a) How did the intruder prepare himself to take up the identity of Gerrard? (See Lesson- 12)
(b) Why did Bholi talk very litte? Give two reasons. (See Lesson-25)
2. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words. 2
(a) My mother only said
Thank God the Scorpion picked on me
and spared my children.
(i) What light do these lines throw on the character of the poet’s mother?
(ii) Explain the phrase ‘picked on me’. (See Lesson- 18)
(b) “Fair, Fair”. I felt anger rise inside me. Fair! As if that was all that mattered, mattered most,
more than a good figure, a chiselled face, more than beauty that lies within. I knew I wasn’t as
beautiful as she was with her fine, regualar reatures, and I wasn’t even half as talented as her.
How did it matter if she was darker than me?
(i) If you were in the speaker’s place would you feel angry? Give a reasoned answer.
(ii) What, according to the speaker, are the real traits of beauty? (See Lesson- 16)
3. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words. 2
(a) “Parents play an important role in the development of a child both mentally and physically.” In
the light of the lesson “Bholi” comment on the above statement. (See Lesson- 25)
(b) In the poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ what difference do you find between the attitude of the
poet’s father and the other villagers? (See Lesson- 18)
4. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words. 4
(a) Without Narayan Masurkar’s (Nankaka) alertness and observation Sunil Gavaskar may never
have become a cricketer. Do you agree? Give a reasoned answer. (See Lesson- 1)
(b) Do you think Aradhana was justified in refusing to perform at the inaugural function? Why did
she ultimately decide to perform. (See Lesson- 16)
5. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words. 4
(a) At the end of the story Bholi showed great confidence and ability to take independent decisions.
Do you agree? Give reason to justify your answer. (See Lesson- 25)
(b) What brings the Intruder to Gerrard’s place? Chance? Fate? Or a planned move? Give reasons
to justify your answer. (See Lesson- 12)
6. Prepare any one project out of the following in about 500 words. 6
(a) Write a project on ‘Education in Slums’
Title: Education in Slums
Objective: Problem of Education in Slums
Step-I: Interview at least 20 families of slum areas.
Step-II: Before interviewing, prepare a questionnaire to collect detailed information.
(Why are children in slums not getting proper education?)
Step-III: Write the main points to reflect the information.
Step-IV: Analyse the problem keeping the information in mind.
Step V: Find out government’s efforts for providing education to the dwellers.
Step VI: Write a report with at least 3-4 practical suggestions to solve the problem.
(b) Title: Geeta Phogat - a Bio-Sketch.
Objective: To be able to collect information about Phogat and write her bio-sketch.
Step-I: Collect information about Geeta Phogat
You may include:
(i) her birth, birth place year etc.
(ii) her family background, education
(iii) her education, interests and inspiring personality
(iv) her entry into the field of wresting
(v) her career as a wrestler
(vi) her achievements, awards, honours
(vii) her personal life
Step-II: Select the important information to be included in the sketch. Select important points
which will motivate and inspire sports persons to take up the game.
Step-III: Imagine that you are Geeta Phogat. A journalist wants to write your biography.
What important things would you like to be included in the biography?
Step-IV: Write a bio-sketch based on your information.
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